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Innovative Marketing Ideas for Retirement Communities

seniors playing cards at retirement community

There is no getting around fact that retirement communities across the US are a rapidly growing market segment…and Lancaster County is no exception. The oldest of the baby boomers turns 71 this year with the youngest clocking in at 53. Therefore the median age for retirement currently falls within the middle of this large population segment. Consider these key findings from the Commission on Affordable Housing and Health Facility Needs for Seniors in the 21st Century.

 By 2020:

  • The number of senior households is expected to grow by nearly 53%.
  • More than 80% of senior householders will be homeowners.
  • Nearly three-fourths of households with housing needs will likely be owners of their housing.
  • Almost 44% of senior householders will be age 75 and older.

Development will continue to expand as more and more boomers reach retirement. Competition for residents is sure to increase as additional communities are established. With so many options to choose from, it’s imperative that your retirement community stand out from the rest.Below are a few innovative marketing strategies to give you a leg up on the competition:

Find Your Niche
To use a fishing cliché, instead of casting a wide net and not being sure what you’re going to catch, consider using a hook with a specific type of bait to lure in the most desirable fish. This analogy is not meant to compare seniors to fish, but to demonstrate that targeting a specific group of seniors that fit best into your services and amenities may bring you a higher rate of return and help lower your overall marketing budget.

Get Social
While the assumption may be that baby boomers only read magazines and newspapers, the truth is that many of them are quite internet savvy and engage in social media on a regular basis. They use Facebook to keep in touch with friends, relatives and their adorable grandkids they only see over the holidays. According to Adweek, 70 percent of baby booms and seniors were using Facebook in 2014….a statistic that’s sure to have grown since then.

Build Trust
Building trust online requires the creation of meaningful, relevant content for your target audience. Blogging, videos, infographics and podcasts should be developed to address the concerns seniors may have about moving into a retirement community and highlight the solutions your community deploys to alleviate those fears.

For example, many seniors are worried about having to transition from traditional residential housing to one that requires assisted living services. Creating a video that highlights the smooth transition your retirement community offers will help ease their concerns and make more likely to apply for residency.

Get Started Now
Time is of the essence when it comes to marketing to baby boomers, since many seniors decide where they want to live years in advance of their actual retirement. Marketing is not an overnight phenomenon. It takes years to develop trust with your target audience. Deploying these strategies now will place your retirement community in a favorable position when seniors are ready to decide where to spend their golden years.

What to start a conversation on how we can get help you get social with your seniors? Contact Kelly Smedley, Director of Strategic Solutions, at 717-569-8826 x24 or ksmedley@lmiadvertising.com.

Posted on 19 Jan 2017 by LMI
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